Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Goals for the Interesting Cuisine Blog

My decision to start a blog was fairly abrupt and suprised myself and the people arround me. Now that I have done a couple posts, I am starting to realize that a piece of work like this either begins to take on a personality and direction or it just stays as a random collection of pictures. To me, this means that I need to examine the reasons, the inspirations, and the goals for

#1: To document my current ideas and discoveries so I don't forget them.

#2: To gain practical experience in food photography and with visual asthetics of dishs and products.

#3: To create a structure that supports and drives my creativity and my exploration of food.

#4: To inspire and educate other professionals and enthusists with my work and hopefully create a dialog with these viewers that in turn inspires and educates me.

I was never an avid follower of blogs until a friend told me about Laurent Gras' L2O blog. I was instantly hooked. I feel that I learned something from every post I read and was deeply saddened when it went offline.

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