Monday, September 3, 2012


 Local White Sea Bass 'Panzanella'

This is the 1st composed plate Alan and I shot. He brought a light filter and shot outside using diffused sunlight. We like the softness and warmth that this lighting gave the light colors.

The bass was line caught the day before off of Santa Cruz, The baby Lettuces are from Ecopia Farms. Other ingredients are smoked char roe from Mikuni Wild Harvest, heirloom tomatoes, pickled red pearl onions, rye bread croutons, cucumber tourne, braised baby radish, yellow tomato coulis, and aged balsamic

Alan and I share many goals in our collaboration including gaining a better understanding of what makes a good food picture. With that in mind we also shot a version of this dish using a portion of poached and skinless bass.

The texture of the top of the fish came out too smooth to photograph well. When we do poached fish in the future we will experiment with different lighting styles and/or topping the fish with something like vegetables or pan'or for textural contrast.

pictures by Alan Yatagai

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